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Salmon steak wasabi style

salmon-steak-wasabi_clip_image002by Gemini Adams

Serves 2 – 4
Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: 15 mins

This meal is very simple but looks like something you would be served in a 5 Star restaurant. The curly kale is full of wonder vitamins, and the apricots a great source of iron and soluble fibres. Parsnips lack beta-carotene unlike carrots, but make up for it with plenty of potassium needed to help maintain normal blood pressure. The essence of this dish is the salmon which is full of omega – 3 fatty acids; essential for brain function and healthy eyes. All the better to see you with!

4 Salmon Steaks
100 g Dried Apricots
Root of Fresh Ginger
200 g Watercress
500g Parsnips
1 Packet of Curly Kale
1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Garnish/Seasoning: Horseradish


  1. Boil a kettle full of water.
  2. Wash the curly kale and watercress.
  3. Peel the parsnips, and chop them into round slices.
  4. Pour the boiling water into a pan, add the parsnips and boil on a med heat for 10 mins.
  5. Chop the dried apricots into chunks and dice the ginger.
  6. Remove the salmon from packaging and place on a grill pan ready to cook.
  7. Use a wok to stir-fry the curly kale. Heat the olive oil, add the ginger, then add the apricot and curly kale. Keep stirring for 3 – 5 mins.
  8. When soft drain the parsnips, rinse in fresh water and return the parsnips to the pan. Crush in a clove of garlic, add a tbsp of olive oil and mash together until smooth.
  9. Put the salmon steak under the grill. Cook for 2 – 3 mins either side, until the flesh turns grey.
  10. Remove the salmon from the grill; serve onto individual plates with a scoop of parsnip mash, a side of ginger curly kale. Garnish with a sprig of watercress and a tbsp of horseradish.

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