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Marbled eggs and pesto toast

marbled-eggs-and-pesto-sauce_clip_image002by Gemini Adams

Serves 2 – 3
Preparation Time: 3 mins
Cooking Time: 5 mins

If you want lots of energy for the day, then you must kick-start your metabolism, that means making time for the most important meal of the day; Breakfast.  Sugary cereals floating in milk will slow you down, but a good dose of protein and high-vitamin vegetables will get you going. Spinach is a recognised Superfood, containing amazingly potent antioxidants. It’s the single food most commonly associated with reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. Even if you dislike its bitter taste, you will love this. The eggs and pesto disguise the bitter flavour, making Popeye’s favourite dish taste great!

6 Eggs (2 eggs per person)
200 g Spinach
2 tbsp Milk (Soya or Goats Milk)
4 Slices of Soya & Linseed or Wholemeal Brown Bread
3 tbsp Green Pesto
Fresh Coriander
Black Pepper

Garnish/Seasoning – Grilled Tomatoes and Coriander Sprigs


  1. Wash the spinach.
  2. Crack the eggs into a non-stick saucepan or for the microwave and grind in black pepper & the soya milk. Whisk the mixture together gently with a fork. Adding the spinach.
  3. Put 2 slices of bread in the toaster to cook, and toast the remaining bread.
  4. Put the saucepan on the hob on a medium heat, stirring the mixture until the mixture is sticky but still moist, remove to serve.
  5. Spread the toast with green pesto and arrange on individual plate.

Serve sc

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