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Dreamy prawn wrap from the tropics

by Michael Jolliffe

Serves: 2

Time to Prepare: 20mins

2 wholemeal pitta pockets
100g of pre-prepared organic prawns.
100g coconut chunks (either pre-packaged or fresh from a whole coconut, cracked
and peeled)
1 large red pepper
1 ripe organic mango
1 ripe papaya
1 handful of rocket leaves
1 small bunch spring onions
Juice of two limes
1 tbsp spoon of freshly grated ginger
Cracked black pepper


  1. Deseed and destalk the pepper and dice. Remove the outer skin from the spring onions, top them and cut into the 1cm pieces. Quarter the coconut chunks and add to a salad bowl with the spring onions and pepper pieces.
  2. Cut the papaya in half lengthways, scoop out the black seeds and discard. For each half, slice lengthways once and then widthways three times, in order that you can scoop out the chunks into the salad bowl.
  3. Peel the skin of the mango with a soft fruit peeler. The trick here is to then lay the mango flat, cut downwards towards the stone before angling the knife 90 degrees to cut along the stone. When all of the mango is freed, chunk and add to the bowl.
  4. Add the prawns, lime juice and ginger to bowl and fold all the ingredients together by hand.
  5. Season with pepper to taste, scoop half into each pitta pocket and enjoy.

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