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Bean me up salad

by Gemini Adams

Whenever you can eat salads or steamed vegetables, these both have optimal nutrition content and have a high water content which will feed your body and keep you hydrated. Adding beans, to a salad seriously boosts the protein and fibre content; they are a vitamin-rich, inexpensive wonder-food. So don’t shove them to the back of the cupboard!   Dried beans can take a while to cook, so use tinned beans as a convenient alternative, but look for brands which have low sodium content and wash them well before you use them.

Serves 2 – 4

Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: 8 mins

Top Tip! Prepare extra Bean salad to serve as an entrée for your evening meal or for lunch tomorrow!

200g punnet of cherry tomatoes
2 small courgettes
1 tin of three beans (eg. chick peas, butter beans, black-eye beans)
100g alfalfa sprouts
Packet of mixed salad leaves
1 tbsp of olive oil
Garnish/Seasoning – Mixed Herbs, Black Pepper & Vinaigrette


  1. Wash the salad leaves, sprouts, courgette, beans and tomatoes in a sieve.
  2. Slice the courgettes thinly and cut the tomatoes in half.
  3. Heat the olive oil in a wok or frying pan. Sauté the courgettes over a medium heat.
  4. Arrange the salad leaves in a serving bowl and add the sprouts.
  5. Pour the beans over the salad leaves.
  6. Scatter the tomatoes and courgettes over the salad.
  7. Sprinkle the herbs and ground black pepper over the salad and serve.

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